Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First post of the new blog and of 2011! :D Yay!!

Welcome to Michi's Moment's. :)

I realized how much I missed having a personal blog several weeks ago...and I've finally gotten off my hind parts and created one...hahaha. Please excuse my humor. ;) To be completely honest, I've really no energy or brain power to conjure up an interesting blog post for the moment. So I'll have to content myself with a simple introduction.

My name is Michiko, but everyone calls me Michi because it's easier to remember/spell/say. ;) I'm a Filipino-American young adult who busies herself by attending a university, tutoring, teaching piano, singing, playing piano, Stardolling, and blogging. Oh, and the daily Facebook game maintenance is a must as well. I'm currently a music student, majoring in vocal performance with a minor in English (perhaps Theology as well), and intend to finish my education with a doctorate. Where I go after that...well...I'll get there when I get there, eh? :P

Some of my hobbies (aside from reading and blogging)...I'm an avid gamer. I previously frequented Aeria Games' Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO) and Grand Fantasia. I tried PWI--Perfect World International, but that didn't last very long. I currently play only Dungeons and Dragons Online. I have to admit though, the gaming avidity levels have decreased greatly since school started back up again. I play lots of little games to make up for it. Nancy Drew games are awesome, as are a bunch of little Facebook games. Addicting, no doubt. And I love Stardoll. Yeah, yeah, what's a college student doing playing games for "little girls?" You'd be surprised at how many non-little girls there are...simply because of the fact that it's fashion. Hello? Fashion + female (and males!) = fun? And games in general are Although I shouldn't!! Because who has time for it, I mean, really? Haha...oh well...

I also write. Novels, poetry, music, lyrics, and the like. I would reallllly like to get that novel published sometime before I graduate. Before, it was "I want to publish my novel before I hit college, mom." Apparently, that didn't happen. Do you know how hard it is to publish a novel? No piece of cake, believe me. I'm a graphic designer too. You'll see some of that posted here, no doubt. I'm a manga/anime/Asian drama addict. It's slightly unhealthy, but it's ok, I manage. ;) Oh, and I'm a music/literary SNOB. It's kind of bad...I don't mean I go around ridiculing people or anything. It's just that I study the stuff (music and literature) on a daily basis, so I tend to notice things like major grammar flaws, spelling errors (common and not-so-common), a flat pitch, an uneven vibrato...etc. I don't go point things out or anything, haha, because that's rude. I just notice. :P And it's not like I'm perfect. I'm sure I make many errors that others are bound to notice. But, well, that's the way of humanity. So don't be afraid to comment :P because I honestly don't really care about bad grammar/spelling (unless, of course, it's a publication--that's a different story). And yes, yes, feel free to point out my mistakes...haha, I rather enjoy reading it. :P

Anyway, I'm rambling and being boring now, and it's way past the time I had meant to go to sleep. Must rise and shine early tomorrow so I can study those secondary dominants...(music theory...don't ask.)

Toi toi!
xoxo Michi